This is sys.txt that working on my old system debug maxmemory=52428800 loading loadingbmp='loading. TUTORIAL INSTALASI IGO PRIMO 2.2 & UPDATE MAP/POI/VOICE Gan setelah berkelana kesana kemari ane mw share buat para pengguna super spring yang masih belajar kaya ane gan, mulai dari install IGO PRIMO dan masukin peta nya dll disertai gambarnya hehe kalo yang udah expert pasti udah pada jago masalah update peta dll hehe Bahan yang ane pakai. So that I write in sys.txt rawdisplay screenx=800 screeny=480 Stretch=0 highres=0 And now it start up then freezing at end user agreement. Here the sys.txt on the primo9 working OK ( that have language and voice vietnamese ) on my old audio GPS Pyle screen 7 inchs.I copy all files from this to new card and put into my new system Pyle big screen 10.1 have resolution 1024-600.When start up GPS: error resolution 1024-600 not support.